The Three Services You're Probably Neglecting in Your Cleaning Routine


Cleaning Services in El Paso

Before you begin cleaning services your home, kitchen, or apartment, it’s important to plan out your cleaning routine and focus on what really matters when it comes to keeping your home clean and tidy. There are some services that you may neglect but which can make all the difference in keeping your home clean and healthy. You may not have thought of these three services as part of your cleaning routine before, but they can be just as important as dusting or vacuuming the floors!

How to clean your toilet

To clean your toilet, start by filling the bowl with a generous amount of white vinegar. Pour the mixture into the toilet, let it sit for 15 minutes, and flush. The vinegar will help dissolve stains and leave your toilet smelling fresh. For tough stains, add some baking soda to the vinegar before you pour it down the toilet.

Clean your sink by filling it with water and dish soap to create bubbles. Scrub with a sponge or brush to get off any grime or dirt that's built up over time. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water until all of the soap is gone from the sink basin. Finish by wiping down any countertops near your sink to get rid of any soap residue that may have dripped on them while you were cleaning.

How to clean your bedroom

It's important to clean your bedroom not only because it's one of the most personal rooms in the house, but also because it can be a breeding ground for dust mites and other allergens.

Here are some tips for how you can keep your bedroom fresh and tidy.

Vacuum your mattress at least once a week to remove all the dust mite debris and other allergens that accumulate there. Be sure to vacuum all around the mattress, including under it. And don't forget to replace the bag with a new one when it's full.

Wash your sheets and blankets every two weeks. It doesn't take long, so just set aside an hour or two when you know you won't be needing them during that time frame. Fill up the washer with hot water, throw in detergent (use bleach if needed), then toss in your linens and allow them to soak for about five minutes before agitating them vigorously (don't worry about rinsing). Then hang them on clotheslines outside or lay them flat on top of towels or another surface outside (they'll dry much faster this way). You may need to repeat this process twice for really dirty sheets or bedding.

How to clean upholstery and carpets

Cleaning services upholstery and carpets is one of the most important parts of a deep cleaning routine. It's easy to miss the little details when you can't see them, but if you want to make sure your house is thoroughly clean, you need to make sure that your furnishings are clean too. There are two main ways to do this: vacuum cleaners and steam Residential cleaning services.

Vacuuming is the simplest way to keep your upholstered furniture free from dust and dirt, but it won't remove any stains or dirt that might have been ground into the fabric. Steam cleaners, on the other hand, produce enough heat and moisture that they can break down stains while they clean.

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